7% of every transaction is redistributed to holders who have a minimum of 200,000 tokens. Your reward is automatically sent to your wallet every day (24 hour).
7% of every transaction is redistributed to holders who have a minimum of 200,000 tokens. Your reward is automatically sent to your wallet every day (24 hour).
2% of each transaction returns to the Pool to ensure a good volume of liquidity. Liquidity returns to the pool in the form of burnt LP tokens (blocked forever)
A portion of the tokens are distributed to marketing and development actions. In order to keep growing MASTER CHEF2 token value.
1% fee is applied for each sell to reduce bots activity, swing-trading and whales
Collection limited to 100
Collection limited to 100
Collection limited to 100
Collection limited to 100
Collection limited to 100
Collection limited to 100
Collection limited to 100
Collection limited to 100
Collection limited to 100
Use a BinanceSmartChain compatible wallet.
We recommend Trust Wallet or Metamask.
Add funds to your Wallet
We recommend BNB to limit transaction costs, but you can use any Token on the BSC.
Click on the "Buy" button. A window will open, click on "I Understand" to be able to purchase $MASTERCHEF on Pancakeswap. The fees are 12%, you must set a slippage of 17% to complete the transaction.
Each MasterChef owner can vote once a day for the award token he or she would like to receive. Voting takes place from Monday to Sunday during a 15 day period. At the end of these 15 days, the winner becomes the reward and the votes are reset to 0. A project cannot be a winner twice in a row, in order to be fair to the other projects listed.
Price $0.00000219955
Market Cap : $210 000
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